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Main officeс
Production: land plot 24, Telmanovskoye rural settlement, Tosnensky municipal district, Leningrad region, Russia, 187032
Engineering and Training and Exhibition Centre: 25, Latyshskikh Strelkov St., St. Petersburg, Russia.
Industrial Engineering Centre: Veliky Novgorod, Velikaya str. 18A, office 4.12.
Help Desk
+7 (800) 700-11-13
Russian manipulator company
Our addresses |
land plot 24, Telmanovskoye rural settlement, Tosnensky municipal district, Leningrad region, Russia, 187032
land plot 24, Telmanovskoye rural settlement, Tosnensky municipal district, Leningrad region, Russia, 187032
Engineering, training and exhibition centre
25, Latyshskikh Strelkov St., St. Petersburg, Russia
Engineering, training and exhibition centre
25, Latyshskikh Strelkov St., St. Petersburg, Russia
Industrial Engineering Centre
Veliky Novgorod, Velikaya St., 18A, office 4.12.
Industrial Engineering Centre
Veliky Novgorod, Velikaya St., 18A, office 4.12.
Our dealers |
OOO Kuwind
Sverdlovsk region, Ekaterinburg, 60 Tatischeva str.
LLC "KV-partner"
Minsk region, Minsk district, Novodvorskiy s/s, 40/1-23, near the village of Bolshoye Stiklevo.
LLC "KV-partner"
Minsk region, Minsk district, Novodvorskiy s/s, 40/1-23, near the village of Bolshoye Stiklevo.